David Izquierdo is an Assitant Professor in Radiology in the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School with interest in improving non-invasive molecular imaging quantification with combined PET/MRI scanners. In particular most of Dr. Izquierdo’s research is applied to brain and cardiovascular imaging to provide useful diagnostic tools for early detection of cardiovascular disease and brain disorders.
Since Dr. Izquierdo’s initial steps in medical imaging at the University of Cambridge, UK, he has been working on improving PET image quantification, mostly using MR-based techniques. Among them, Ihe implemented for the first time a partial volume effect correction method for cardiovascular imaging. Dr. Izquierdo has also focused on improving simultaneous PET/MR image quantification by applying MR-based attenuation correction (AC) for PET imaging. Currently more than a dozen international groups have implemented this method for brain AC. Dr. Izquierdo is currently involved in a novel line of research using artificial intelligence on cardiovascular applications, that aims to provide improved cardiac motion detection and quantification.
(Led by Manuel A. Morales)
Université Bordeaux I, France
Université Bordeaux I, France
University of Zaragoza, Spain